Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that originated in Japan. The word "Reiki" combines two Japanese words: "rei," which means universal, and "ki," which means life energy or vital force. Together, Reiki can be translated as "universal life energy."

Practitioners of Reiki believe that they can channel this universal life energy through their hands to promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being. It is based on the idea that disruptions or imbalances in the flow of this life energy can lead to physical or emotional illness, and by channeling Reiki energy, these imbalances can be corrected, allowing the body's natural healing abilities to take over.

Reiki sessions typically involve the practitioner placing their hands lightly on or just above the recipient's body in various positions, aiming to transfer energy to areas where it is most needed. The practice is non-invasive and is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments.

What to expect

1. Preparation: The session will start with a brief discussion about your intentions, any specific areas of concern, and what you hope to achieve from the session.

2. Setting: You'll usually lie down on a massage table or comfortably on the floor, fully clothed. The environment is calm and serene, often with soft music playing to promote relaxation.

3. Hands-on or Distant Healing: Depending on whether it's an in-person or distant session, I may place my hands lightly on or slightly above your body in specific positions. In distant sessions, I will visualize sending Reiki energy to you.

4. Sensations: People often report feeling warmth, tingling, or a gentle sensation where the practitioner's hands are placed. However, sensations can vary widely from person to person and session to session.

5. Relaxation: Reiki promotes deep relaxation, allowing your body and mind to enter a state where natural healing can occur. Many people experience a sense of peace, calmness, and well-being during and after the session.

6. Duration: A typical session lasts around 60 to 90 minutes, though this can vary depending on the practitioner and your specific needs.

7. Post-session: After the session, you may feel deeply relaxed and may continue to experience the effects of Reiki over the following hours or days. It's common to feel emotionally uplifted, mentally clearer, and physically rejuvenated.

Experience the healing power of Reiki wherever you are. I offer both distant and in-person Reiki energy healing sessions, complemented by optional sound bath and tarot reading add-ons. Book your appointment today and embark on a journey to holistic well-being.

Distant Healing

Distant Reiki works like a whimsical journey through the universe's interconnected energy web. In a serene space, I will send healing intentions across any distance (time or space). As you relax elsewhere, you might feel a comforting warmth or gentle shifts in energy, as if touched by moonlit whispers. This cosmic dance transcends physical barriers, bringing peace and renewal through the invisible threads that connect us all, leaving you embraced by healing wherever you are.

Distant Reiki

15 min. - FREE

30 min. - $44

60 min. - $66

90 min. - $88

Add On’s

Tarot Reading

1 card pull - $4

3 card pull - $20

Full Reading - $40


30 min. reiki & 3-card tarot pull - $55

30 min. reiki & full tarot reading - $77

6o min. reiki & full tarot reading - $88


The environment is a sanctuary of peace and healing, where I channel universal life energy directly to you, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. It's a serene exchange where physical presence enhances the connection, allowing you to deeply experience the healing touch and energy flow. Afterward, you may feel refreshed, emotionally uplifted, and balanced, as if your body and spirit have been gently realigned by the gentle currents of healing energy.


30 min. - $66

60 min. - $88

90 min. - $120

Add On’s

1 card tarot reading - $4

3 card tarot reading - $20

Full tarot reading - $40

15 min. sound bath - $25

30 min. sound bath - $40


30 min. reiki + 3-card tarot pull - $77

6o min. reiki + full tarot reading - $100

30 min. reiki + 15 min. sound bath- $88

30 min. reiki + 30 min. sound bath- $100

60 min. reiki + 15 min. sound bath + 3 card pull - $115

In-Home & Group Sessions Available upon request

An ancient shamanic blessing translated from Nahuatl

“I release my partner from the obligation to complete me.
I release my parents from the feeling they failed with me.
I release my children from the need to bring me pride, so they can write their own paths to the rhythm of their hearts, as it whispers in their ear.
I don't lack anything, I learn from all beings, all the time.
Thanking my grandparents and ancestors who came together to allow me to be alive and follow my path today.
I release them from past failures and unfulfilled desires, knowing they have done their best to travel their way of living with their standard of consciousness.
I strip my soul before their eyes that's why they know I don't hide or owe anything.
I must be faithful to myself more than ever by walking with heart wisdom, I know that I am fulfilling my life project, free from family loyalties that can disrupt my peace and happiness, this detachment is my responsibility.
I surrender the role of the savior, to be the one who unites or meets the expectations of others.
I cherish my essence, my way of expressing it, even if not everyone can understand me.
I honor you, I love you and recognize you are innocent.
I honor the divinity in me and you...
We are free.′′

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